
A place we sadly have to remember.

The German Nazi camps Auschwitz and Birkenau were made for one reason only: To carry out a systematic mass murder of Europe's Jews and other people they wanted to get rid of, such as Roma (Gypsies), political opponents, homosexuals and the disabled.

This is a place that unfortunately must be remembered to remind us of the evil of man.

If, or when? we stop treating all people equally, lose the right to chose our religion, love who we want or think and say what we want, we take a step towards a new Auschwitz.

We need to remember to understand how fragile freedom is.

I recommend everyone to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau

Before you go you can learn more about it here. Easiest is to go from Krakow, Poland. Book your tour here.

I will not write more in this travel blog and let the pictures speak for themselves.

Thank you for reading my travel blog about Auschwitz.

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